
CodeWars - Popular 6 KYU Challenges

In this article, we’ll tackle multiple coding challenges from CodeWars, specifically focusing on the kyu 6 level. Using Python as our language of choice, we’ll walk through each problem, offering i...

CodeWars - Popular 7 KYU Challenges

I’m currently working on solving 7 kyu challenges in problem-solving, which are a bit harder than the 8 kyu challenges. As we go along, I’ll guide you through tackling five well-known challenges at...

CodeWars - Popular 8 KYU Challenges

In this guide, I’ll walk you through solving five popular 8 kyu level challenges with ease. But that’s not all – I’ll also introduce you to smarter techniques that will make you more advanced. Let’...

How to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal Manually

Numbers without Fractional Part : Division Method is used to convert such numbers from base 10 to another base The division is performed with the required base Steps To Convert From Base 10...

HackTheBox - Writeup

Tools Nmap Searchsploit Hashcat Gobuster Scanning and Enumeration using Nmap and Gobuster we found Ports and DIRs Open Ports 22 , 80 Found DIRs...